Bismillah, Kunikahi Suamimu


Director : Benni Setiawan
Cast : Syifa Hadju, Rizky Nazar, Mikha Tambayong, Refal Hady, Dede Yusuf, Unique Priscilla
Duration :
Rating :

Trailer & Sinopsis

Bahasa Indonesia - Rumah tangga Malik dan Hanna berada pada puncak bahagia, dimana mereka tengah menanti kelahiran anak pertama. Ketika melakukan konsultasi kehamilan, dokter kandungan Hanna berhalangan, dan diganti oleh dokter muda yang cantik, bernama Cathy, yang ternyata adalah sahabatnya semasa SMA sekaligus mantan kekasih Malik. Naas, Hanna terjangkit kanker yang mengancam diri dan janinnya, sehingga perlu dilakukan operasi dalam waktu berdekatan dengan waktu kelahiran. Dokter mengatakan kemungkinan Hanna untuk selamat setelah operasi sangatlah kecil. Hanna sadar bahwa hidupnya mungkin tak akan lama lagi, dan Hanna memiliki sebuah permohonan, dimana dia ingin sebelum dia meninggal, Malik harus menikahi Cathy. Malik dan Cathy tentu menolak permintaan gila tersebut, tetapi Hanna sudah bertekad. Maka setelah meminta persetujuan berbagai pihak, Ijab Qabul pun dilakukan di rumah sakit, di hadapan Hanna. Ketiganya kini terlibat cinta segitiga dan poligami yang rumit.
English - Malik and Hannas household is at the peak of happiness, as they are expecting the birth of their first child. During a pregnancy consultation, Hannas regular obgyn is unable to attend, and she is replaced by a beautiful young doctor named Cathy, who turns out to be her best friend in high school, who also happens to be Maliks ex-girlfriend. Unfortunately, Hanna is diagnosed with cancer which threatened herself and her baby, and she needs to have an operation close to the time of birth. The doctor says that Hannas chances of surviving after the operation is very small. Hanna realizes that she may not live for long and before she dies, she requests Malik to marry Cathy. Malik and Cathy strongly refuse the crazy request, but Hanna is determined. After asking for the familys approval, the Ijab Qabul is carried out at the hospital, in Hannas presence. The three of them are now involved in a complicated love triangle and polygamy.
(In Indonesian with no subtitles)

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